We worked alongside Northern Ireland Chest Heart & Stroke (NICHS) to deliver a digital strategy for their Asthma Campaign which has been instrumental in raising awareness, providing support and resources to individuals living with asthma whilst creating a lasting impact on the asthma community in Northern Ireland.

Understanding the Asthma Challenge in Northern Ireland:

  • 38 people died from asthma in Northern Ireland in 2017.
  • About 1 in 10 people in NI have asthma, including 36,000 children.
  • Many do not realise the importance of carrying their inhaler with them at all times.
  • Very low awareness in Northern Ireland of what to do in the event of an asthma attack


The overall aims of the digital strategy were to:

  1. Raise awareness of the danger of asthma.
  2. Raise awareness of the support Northern Ireland Chest Heart & Stroke can offer in this area.
  3. Educate people of what to do in the event of an asthma attack.
  4. Educate young people to carry their inhalers with them.
  5. Drive website visits to see the support and resources to individuals living with asthma.
  6. Drive website visits to see the support and resources to parents of children with asthma.

The Digital Strategy: What We Did

In our mission to raise awareness about asthma and make a real impact in Northern Ireland, we executed a multi-pronged digital strategy.

Our team conducted an audit of the most appropriate channels and analysed their target audience and industry trends to identify a new strategy. These included:

Targeted Audience Segmentation:

We utilised Facebook’s powerful targeting tools to reach specific demographics, including parents and individuals susceptible to asthma.

Choosing the Right Platforms:

Recognising TikTok’s explosive growth and its appeal to a younger demographic, we decided to create a TikTok presence for the campaign. For parents, we used combinations of channels including Google and Facebook to reach the audience.

Informative Posts and Articles:

On the website landing page, Northern Ireland Chest Heart & Stroke posted informative content, including specific support for kids, teens and young adults, and support for parents. The landing pages were optimised for resources including statistics, infographics, and videos related to asthma causes, symptoms, and management.

Driving Traffic to Educational Resources:

We launched targeted Facebook traffic campaigns aimed at driving users to our website’s dedicated asthma resource section, which housed in-depth information, factsheets, educational videos, and downloadable resources.

Continuous Monitoring and Optimisations:

Regular monitoring of campaign performance allowed us to make data-driven adjustments and maximise results – including price competitiveness against other advertisers.

Measuring Success: Tracking Impact and Outcomes:

  • Enhanced Brand Visibility: The Google Ads campaigns helped Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke establish a stronger online presence, leading to an increase in brand awareness, recognition and enhanced trust within their target market. 
  • Increased Brand Awareness, Recall and Search Demand All the pages with content around asthma have 195% increased pageviews and 154% increased users in comparison with the previous period. The average engagement time is up 2.03% suggesting the content is engaging that increased audience.

Sustaining the Mission: Ongoing Efforts for Asthma Awareness:

Our commitment to asthma awareness extends far beyond the confines of a single campaign. 

We recognise the importance of consistent and year-round efforts to continue making a difference in the lives of those affected by asthma in Northern Ireland. Over the past 12 months and on an ongoing basis, we have worked with Northern Ireland Chest Heart & Stroke to maintain an active presence on Google Ads with a dedicated charity account with campaigns focused on asthma awareness. This strtaegic approach allows us to reach individuals actively searching for information and provides them with valuable educational materials, support resources, and event information.

Continuous monitoring and optimisation of our Google Ads campaigns ensure that we are reaching our audience effectively and providing them with the most up-to-date and relevant information about asthma.

In partnership with Northern Ireland Chest Heart & Stroke, this digital strategy has successfully elevated asthma awareness and we are hopeful for the impact this will have on behavioural change, increased education and awareness surrounding the dangers and support for asthma. 

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